KleinLab - Methods for Big Data


  • We welcome Zhongwei Zhang as a new Postdoctoral Researcher to our group. Looking forward to working with you! (01.02.2025)
  • The paper “Bayesian Regularized Regression Copula Processes for Multivariate Responses” by Nadja Klein, Michael Stanley Smith, David Nott and Ryan Chisholm has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, congratulations! (15.01.2025)
  • The paper “Modeling the Ratio of Correlated Biomarkers Using Copula Regression” by Moritz Berger, Nadja Klein, Michael Wagner and Matthias Schmid has been accepted in the journal Statistical Methods in Medical Research, congratulations! (27.12.2024)
  • The paper “Boosting Distributional Copula Regression for Bivariate Binary, Discrete and Mixed Responses” by Guillermo Briseño-Sanchez, Nadja Klein, Hannah Klinkhammer and Andreas Mayr has been accepted in the journal Statistical Methods in Medical Research, congratulations! (20.12.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new working paper "Boosting Distributional Copula Regression for Bivariate Right-Censored Time-to-Event Data" by Guillermo Briseño-Sanchez, Nadja Klein, Andreas Groll and Andreas Mayr can be found here. (20.12.2024)
  • The paper “Truly Multivariate Structured Additive Distributional Regression” by Lucas Kock and Nadja Klein has been accepted at the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, congratulations! (01.12.2024)
  • We welcome Negera Deresa as a new Postdoctoral Researcher and Agostino Ruta as a new PhD student to our group. Looking forward to working with you two! (01.12.2024)
  • We are looking for a student assistant with focus on Computer Vision and Deep Learning Research. More information can be found here. (25.11.2024)
  • We're excited to announce the Distributional Regression - Models and Applications workshop by Nadja Klein and Lucas Kock! Join us for this full-day tutorial at DagStat 2025 in Berlin on March 24, 2025, and gain practical experience in modeling entire response distributions beyond mean regression. Registration is now open here! (25.11.2024)
  • Our latest dataset paper on agricultural monitoring has been accepted to WACV 2025! Stay tuned for more details and a link to the dataset and code. (04.11.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new working paper "Calibrated Multivariate Regression with Localized PIT Mappings" by Lucas Kock, Guilherme S. Rodrigues, Scott A. Sisson, Nadja Klein and David Nott can be found here. (04.11.2024)
  • We are proud to announce that our group is now part of the Verbundprojekt CausalNet - A flexible, robust, and efficient framework for integrating causality into machine learning models. Together with colleagues from LMU Munich, Helmholtz Munich and Economic AI, we aim at developing a causal foundation model for various data modalities, amongst other things. (30.10.2024)
  • We are proud to announce that we have been selected to be one of the Core Machine Learning labs at Helmholtz AI! (11.10.2024)
  • We welcome Moussa Kassem Sbeyti as a new Postdoctoral Researcher and Jan Wenkel as a new PhD student to our group. Looking forward to working with you two! (01.10.2024)
  • We welcome Nicolas Bianco as a new Postdoctoral Researcher to our group. Looking forward to working with you! (16.09.2024)
  • We welcome Francesca Labanca as a visiting PhD student to our group. Until end of March 2025, Francesca will work with the group on spatial and spatio-temporal statistics. Looking forward to working with you! (01.09.2024)
  • We currently have two vacancies for Post-Doc positions, one with a focus on statistical perspectives of Bayesian Deep Learning and the other one with a focus on Bayesian Statistics & Statistical Learning. More information can be found on our job page. We are looking forward to your applications! (30.08.2024)
  • We are currently looking for two PhD students (75%) working at the intersection of causal machine learning and Bayesian inference, more information can be found here. (05.08.2024)
  • We officially moved to the Scientific Computing Center at KIT. We are looking forward to our time in Karlsruhe and to future interesting collaborations! Also, thank you for the nice welcome. (01.08.2024)
  • We welcome Aaron Lee as a new PhD Student to our group. Looking forward to working with you! (01.08.2024)
  • The paper “Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression” by Nikolaus Umlauf, Johannes Seiler, Mattias Wetscher, Thorsten Simon, Stefan Lang and Nadja Klein has been accepted at the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, congratulations! (26.07.2024)
  • We are offering another PhD position (75%) on the topic of Spatio-temporal Statistics for the Energy Transition and Transport. More information can be found here. We are looking forward to your applications! (19.07.2024)
  • The paper “Informed Spectral Normalized Gaussian Processes for Trajectory Prediction” by Christian Schlauch, Christian Wirth and Nadja Klein has been accepted at the main track of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI24) , congratulations! (10.07.2024)
  • We are offering a Post-Doc position with a focus on probabilistic learning & methods for big data. More information can be found here. We are looking forward to your applications! (04.07.2024)
  • We welcome Dingyi Lai and Florian Süßer as new PhD Students to our group. Looking forward to working with you! (01.07.2024)
  • Daniel Liu is joining us for a research internship from June to August 2024. As an undergraduate student in Mathematics and Computer Science from Princeton University, he will contribute to various projects of our group. We are happy to have you, Daniel! (28.06.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "From Counting Stations to City-Wide Estimates: Data-Driven Bicycle Volume Extrapolation" by Silke K. Kaiser, N. Klein and Lynn H. Kaack can be found here. (27.06.2024)
  • In August 2024, our lab will move to the Scientific Computing Center, Department of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. We are thus welcoming applications for PhDs and Postdocs. For more information, see here.(19.06.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Enhanced variable selection for boosting sparser and less complex models in distributional copula regression" by Annika Strömer, Nadja Klein, Christian Staerk, Florian Faschingbauer, Hannah Klinkhammer and Andreas Mayr can be found here. (13.06.2024)
  • The paper “Investigating Calibration and Corruption Robustness of Post-hoc Pruned Perception CNNs: An Image Classification Benchmark Study" by Pallavi Mitra, Gesina Schwalbe and Nadja Klein has now been accepted for the 6th Workshop on Safe Artificial Intelligence for All Domain (SAIAD 2024), congratulations! (10.06.2024)
  • The paper “Dropout Regularization in Extended Generalized Linear Models based on Double Exponential Families” by Benedikt Lütke Schwienhorst, Lucas Kock, David J. Nott and Nadja Klein has now been accepted in the research track of the ECML-PKDD 2024, congratulations! (27.05.2024)
  • The paper “Sparse Explanations of Neural Networks Using Pruned Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation” by Paulo Yanez Sarmiento, Simon Witzke, Nadja Klein and Bernhard Y. Renard has now been accepted in the research track of the ECML-PKDD 2024, congratulations! (27.05.2024)
  • The paper "Cost-Sensitive Uncertainty-Based Failure Recognition for Object Detection" by Moussa Kassem Sbeyti, Michelle Karg, Christian Wirth, Nadja Klein and Sahin Albayrak has been accepted for an Oral Presentation at UAI 2024. (29.04.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Sparse Explanations of Neural Networks Using Pruned Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation" by Paulo Yanez Sarmiento, Simon Witzke, Nadja Klein and Bernhard Y. Renard can be found here. (23.04.2024)
  • Our PhD student Paul Bach has successfully defended his dissertation "Theoretical and Practical Contributions to Bayesian Penalized Spline Regression" at the Ruhr University Bochum. Many congratulations on this outstanding achievement! (19.04.2024)
  • PhD student Lucas Kock defended his dissertation called "From Deep Mixture Models towards Distributional Regression -- Exploring Complex Multivariate Data" at HU Berlin. Congratulations on this huge achievement! He will now continue as Post-Doc at the National University of Singapore (NUS) following David J. Nott. (28.03.2024)
  • Post-Doc Victor Medina-Olivares was granted a travel award by the ISBA Program Council to support his attendence at the 2024 ISBA World Meeting in Venice. (02.04.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Informed Spectral Normalized Gaussian Processes for Trajectory Prediction" by Christian Schlauch, Christian Wirth and Nadja Klein can be found here. (26.03.2024)
  • We are offering several exciting master thesis projects! Further information can be found here. (25.03.2024)
  • We are offering a position as a student assistant starting as early as possible (28-40h/per month). Further information can be found here. (25.03.2024)
  • We have job openings for a PhD position and PostDoc position in our group! (25.03.2024)
  • Our Ph.D. candidate Lucas Kock was awarded the best presentation award at the 70th Biometrical Colloquium in Lübeck for his talk "Deep mixture of linear mixed models for complex longitudinal data". The full paper can be found here. (06.03.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Boosting Distributional Copula Regression for Bivariate Binary, Discrete and Mixed Responses" by Guillermo Briseño Sanchez, Nadja Klein, Hannah Klinkhammer and Andreas Mayr can be found here. (05.03.2024)
  • Post-Doc Victor Medina-Olivares was granted funding for his project "Unveiling the Links: Time-Varying Copulas for Joint Models of Longitudinal and Survival Data". Further information can be found here. (05.03.2024)
  • The book "Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape" by M. Stasinopoulos, T. Kneib, N. Klein, A. Mayr and G. Heller on distributional regression is out for order now and can be found here. (22.02.2024)
  • Our lead Prof. Klein is now a member of the retinal biomarkers group, a research group dedicated to develop models that could help classify neurodevelopmental conditions with a retinal biomarker. (09.02.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Regression Copulas for Multivariate Responses" by Nadja Klein, Michael Stanley Smith, David Nott and Ryan Chrisholm can be found here. (23.01.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Boosting Causal Additive Models" by Maximilian Kertel and Nadja Klein can be found here. (22.01.2024)
  • Research Academy Ruhr is offering opportunities for international Postdocs to join our KleinLab Team. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Details can be found here. (19.01.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Density regression via Dirichlet process mixtures of normal structured additive regression models" by María Xosé Rodríguez-Álvarez, Vanda Inácio and Nadja Klein can be found here. (09.01.2024)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Bayesian Effect Selection in Additive Models with an Application to Time-to-Event Data" by Paul Bach and Nadja Klein can be found here. (03.01.2024)
  • A new master project on Bayesian optimization and Gaussian processes in cooperation with Prof. Katja Ickstadt is available. Feel free to check out our section on Master theses for more details! (12.12.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Modeling the Ratio of Correlated Biomarkers Using Copula Regression" by Moritz Berger, Nadja Klein, Michael Wagner, Matthias Schmid can be found here. (04.12.2023)
  • PhD student Lucas Kock recently represented our group at the CS & Physics Meet-Up by Lamarr & B3D. Thanks to our friends at Lamarr, the event provided a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration between computer science, statistics and physics. (04.12.2023)
  • Our group recently came together for a retreat in Hamburg. Check out this post by our group's X account for some impressions! (28.11.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Joint model for longitudinal and spatio-temporal survival data" by Victor Medina-Olivares, Finn Lindgren, Raffaella Calabrese and Jonathan Crook can be found here. (21.11.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Deep mixture of linear mixed models for complex longitudinal data" by Lucas Kock, Nadja Klein and David J. Nott can be found here. (14.11.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression Through Variational Inference" by Jana Kleinemeier and Nadja Klein can be found here. (14.11.2023)
  • PhD student Clara Hoffmann presented her joint work with Prof. Klein about reliable predictive densities for autonomous driving using copulas and last-layer theory at the SEIO 2023 in Elche, Spain. Feel free to check out the paper and presentation! (07.11.2023)
  • We welcome Benedikt Lütke Schwienhorst as a new PhD Student to our group who will be co-supervised by Prof. Johannes Lederer. (01.11.2023)
  • We welcome Tim-Moritz Bündert as a new PhD Student to our group! (01.10.2023)
  • PhD student Ekin Celikkan holds a presentation at the ICCV workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) about Semantic Segmentation of Crops and Weeds Using Probabilistic Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification. (01.10.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Klein is now a member of the ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) Society, a selective pan-European AI network of excellence. Congratulations! (26.09.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Klein has been invited as a keynote speaker at the next 26th International Conference on Computational Statistics (CompStat2024) where she will talk about Bayesian deep learning. (10.09.2023)
  • Post-Doc Victor Medina-Olivares presented the joint work "The Deep Promotion Time Cure Model" at the 18th Credit Scoring and Credit Control Conference which generally offered insightful pathways to innovative risk modelling approaches — from climate change implications to financial vulnerabilities. (02.09.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Klein got interviewed by the research magazine of TU Dortmund and explains what specific applications our group is working on. You can find the German version of the article here. (14.08.2023)
  • PhD student Paul Bach presented a poster about "Spatially adaptive Bayesian P-splines" at IWSM 2023 (joint work with Nadja Klein). The corresponding short paper will appear shortly in the conference proceedings. (24.07.2023)
  • The paper “Accounting for time dependency in meta-analyses of concordance probability estimates” by Matthias Schmid, Tim Friede, Nadja Klein and Leonie Weinhold has been published in Research Synthesis Methods. (11.07.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Heat increases experienced racial segregation in the United States" by Till Baldenius, Nicolas Koch, Hannah Klauber and Nadja Klein can be found here. (27.06.2023)
  • The paper “Informed Priors for Knowledge Integration in Trajectory Prediction” by Christian Schlauch, Nadja Klein and Christian Wirth has now been accepted in the research track of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) 2023, congratulations! (07.06.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Truly Multivariate Structured Additive Distributional Regression" by Lucas Kock and Nadja Klein can be found here. (06.06.2023)
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "The Deep Promotion Time Cure Model" by Victor Medina-Olivares, Stefan Lessmann and Nadja Klein can be found here. (24.05.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Nadja Klein reveals what she appreciates most about her field in the book "Young Scientists" by Die Junge Akademie. You can check out all featured researchers here.
  • The arXiv preprint of the new paper "Dropout Regularization in Extended Generalized Linear Models based on Double Exponential Families" by Benedikt Lütke Schwienhorst, Lucas Kock, David J. Nott and Nadja Klein can be found here. (13.05.2023)
  • The paper “Marginally calibrated response distributions for end-to-end learning in autonomous driving” by Clara Hoffmann and Nadja Klein was published in The Annals of Applied Statistics, congratulations! (02.05.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Nadja Klein has started her professorship at the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security and TU Dortmund. Our lab is bridging statistics, maths, and computer science to offer new perspectives on statistical learning. You can find the official press release with more information (in German) here. (29.04.2023)
  • We are co-hosting the AI Keynote Series at LMU Munich. You can register now and join every Thursday to gain insights from renowned guest speakers about current trends in AI research. (29.04.2023)
  • Our lead Prof. Nadja Klein is now an associated member of the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) which conducts inter- and transdisciplinary research on paths towards sustainable futures. (29.04.2023)
  • The new children's book Young Scientists by Die Junge Akademie showcases successful scientists' career paths - including our group lead Prof. Nadja Klein. It will be available from May 15, 2023. (25.04.2023)
  • We welcome Maarten Jung as research assistant and Annalena Weissert as student assistant to our group. (01.04.2023)
  • The paper "Approximate Bayesian computation for parameter identification in computational mechanics" by Matthias G. R. Faes, Nadja Klein, Markus Pauly, Marcos A. Valdebenito and Mauricio A. Misraji was accepted to the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14). (28.03.2023)
  • The paper "Boosting Multivariate Structured Additive Distributional Regression Models" by Annika Strömer, Nadja Klein, Christian Staerk, Hannah Klinkhammer and Andreas Mayr was accepted for publication in Statistics in Medicine. The arXiv preprint can be found here. (24.02.2023)
  • Clara Hoffmann is going to present at the PyCon DE & PyData Berlin 2023 (17. April - 19. April 2023) on debugging custom PyTorch models in a structured manner. More details regarding her talk can be found here. (21.02.2023)
  • The paper "Bayesian Conditional Transformation Models" by Manuel Carlan, Thomas Kneib and Nadja Klein was accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Statistical Association. The arXiv preprint can be found here. (21.02.2023)
  • The paper "Deep Distributional Time Series Models and the Probabilistic Forecasting of Intraday Electricity Prices" by Nadja Klein, Michael Stanley Smith and David J. Nott (Journal of Applied Econometrics) can be found here. (21.02.2023)
  • The paper "Modeling Intra-Annual Tree Stem Growth with a Distributional Regression Approach for Gaussian Process Responses" by Hannes Riebl, Nadja Klein and Thomas Kneib was accepted at Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics). (21.01.2023)
  • A new working paper "Scalable Estimation for Structured Additive Distributional Regression" by Nikolaus Umlauf, Johannes Seiler, Matthias Wetscher, Thorsten Simon, Stefan Lang and Nadja Klein can be found here. (13.01.2023)
  • The paper "Semi-Structured Distributional Regression" by David Ruegamer, Chris Kolb and Nadja Klein was accepted at The American Statistician. (01.01.2023)
  • We welcome Ivan Ustyuzhaninov as postdoctoral researcher, Clara Hoffmann as PhD student and Tim-Moritz Bündert as research assistant to our group. (01.01.2023)
  • We will move from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin to TU Dortmund in April 2023! (01.01.2023)
  • New working paper "Accounting for Time Dependency in Meta-Analyses of Concordance Probability Estimates" by Matthias Schmid, Tim Friede, Nadja Klein and Leonie Weinhold can be found here. (03.12.2022)
  • New working paper "Anisotropic multidimensional smoothing using Bayesian tensor product P-splines" by Paul Bach and Nadja Klein can be found here. (29.11.2022)
  • New working paper "Informed Priors for Knowledge Integration in Trajectory Prediction" by Christian Schlauch, Nadja Klein and Christian Wirth can be found here. (01.11.2022)
  • New working paper "Distributional Adaptive Soft Regression Trees" by Nikolaus Umlauf and Nadja Klein can be found here. (19.10.2022)
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