Nomination to AcademiaNet (Swiss National Science Foundation; the expert database for outstanding female academics)
Nadja Klein
Gustav-Adolf-Lienert-Award of the International Biometric Sociecty, German Region (IBS-DR) for the Biometrics paper Bayesian Variable Selection for Non-Gaussian Responses: A Marginally Calibrated Copula Approach
NSF-ISBA Junior Travel Support Grant of the US National Science Foundation
Nadja Klein
Wolfgang-Wetzel-Price 2015 of the German Statistical Society for the JASA paper Bayesian Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape for Zero-Inflated and Overdispersed Count Data
Nadja Klein
Award of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the Universitätsbund Göttingen for outstanding dissertation Bayesian Structured Additive Distributional Regression