Bayesian Methods for Distributional and Semiparametric Regression: Our Satellite Event at the Bayes Comp 2025
This satellite workshop aims to bridge the gap between computational and theoretical advancements and modern applications in Bayesian methods for distributional and semiparametric
regression by bringing together leading experts in the field. Participants will benefit from talks that cover key tasks, such as model formulation, variable selection, inference
techniques and associated computational challenges and practical implications. By highlighting the latest developments,
this workshop will provide an overview of current research advancements, fostering discussions that inspire collaboration and innovation in advanced Bayesian regression.
The satellite event is a part of Bayes Comp 2025, taking place from June 16–20, 2025, in Singapore. Registration is available through the conference Website.
The satellite event is organized by
- Nadja Klein, Scientific Computing Center, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Lucas Kock, Department of Statistics and Data Science, National University of Singapore
Confirmed speakers
- Antik Chakraborty, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
- Seoyoon Cho, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina
- Maria De Iorio, Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
- Robert Kohn, School of Economics, UNSW Business School, University of New South Wales
- Francesca Labanca, Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "G. Parenti" (DiSIA), University of Florence
- Zhidi Lin, Department of Statistic and Data Science, National University of Singapore
- Jaewoo Park, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Yonsei University
- David Rossell, Department of Business and Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Scott A. Sisson, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales
- Michael Stanley Smith, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne
- Marina Vannucci, Department of Statistics, Rice University
- Mattias Villani, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University
- Bohan Wu, Department of Statistics, Columbia University